Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Summertime Sadness

So I actually quite enjoyed writing that last post so I'm gonna give it another go. :')       
The chances are that more of you will know this song as it was only released a couple of years ago and has most definitely been widely promoted. Regardless of this I still think it's a beautiful song, so I'm gonna discuss it a little.
Anyway, the song is 'Summertime Sadness' by Lana Del Rey. 
This is pretty obvious (if you know it), but it is in fact quite a sad song (I suppose the title ever so slightly gives that away). Lana/the song's narrator, sings about a past lover who brought great happiness to her life. Basically, I view the song as a trip down memory lane; the narrator is reliving treasured memories that she had with the individual she was once involved with, but ultimately this can only bring her sadness. 
In the verses of the song these memories are described in the present tense, 'I got my red dress on tonight', 'I'm feeling alive', 'Nothing scares me anymore.' As listeners, we know that the narrator is actually picturing these memories in her head, and we can hear through her tone how happy they make her feel. It's obvious that this individual brought her incredible happiness; they made her feel alive and utterly fearless. It would seem that this person was the 'perfect partner'. The trouble is that it is this perfection that is making it so hard for the narrator to move on and be happy again. She has come to be completely dependent on the individual as a source for happiness. The love she felt for them is well highlighted through the phrase, 'I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight.' The narrator truly feels that even if her life were to end she wouldn't mind, as she'd die happy because of how in love she is. 
The saddest part of the song is its bridge, where the narrator's realisation is revealed; 'Think I'll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky.' After reliving some happy times, she comes to realise just how much she'll miss having this person in her life and how difficult it'll be to forget them. The next bit is a little more complex to interpret, 'Later's better than never/Even if you're gone I'm gonna drive'. However in my view, what the narrator is saying is that she is willing to wait for the individual to love her again, and even if that never happens her love for them will still continue to exist. It's at this point that the whole song starts to make sense to me. It's title features the word 'summertime'. The summer has connotations of being a positive, uplifting period of time, however temporary in nature. It would appear that this was a summertime romance, and therefore was perhaps destined to be short lived. We've all been in that position though haven't we (or can at least can sympathise with it)? You're deeply in love with someone and maybe deep down you know that it's not going to last forever, yet you're so blissfully happy that you kid yourself into believing otherwise. Maybe that's why it hurts so much. The fact that out of nowhere you're hit with an unexpected blow that completely knocks you down. You go through that phase where it feels like you'll never stop missing that person and that's just so apparent in Lana's song. Ah this is a little depressing but some relationships are just like that, and then others are really, really great. So, how to conclude this? 'Summertime Sadness' depicts a situation which its listeners can relate to and are therefore compelled to sympathise with the narrator. Being with a person you love is incredible at the time, but it's the memories that you'll treasure forever.

Watch the video for 'Summertime Sadness' on YouTube.

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