Friday, 21 March 2014

Elements: 'Deceptions', an EP review

Elements; a 'tight-knit' band
Sometimes you get that gut instinct of what a band will sound like from their name alone. With Elements this is arguable. The band's name could imply that its musical style will be chilled and dare I say 'easy-listening'. But once you've listened to 'Deceptions', you'll know that this isn't the case at all. However, one thing I will say is that the music on this EP is pretty varied and in this sense it definitely reflects the band's name. So the question is are you a fan of Deaf Havana, A Day To Remember and/or You Me At Six? If so then I can pretty much guarantee that you'll love Elements' debut EP 'Deceptions'. The four piece are from North Wales and despite forming a mere year ago have already gained immense popularity.

Allow me to introduce you to Scott Heaven (vocals/guitar), Sam Jones (lead guitar), Zachariah Law (drums/backing vocals) and Sam Price (bass): the elements of Elements (sorry, I really couldn't help that one). The band's members all bring something unique to the music and that's really evident in this EP. 

At a refreshingly diverse 5 tracks, 'Deceptions' is an EP of some truly great songs which you really need to check out for yourself. But here's just a brief overview to give you a taste of what to expect.

A Long Way Home: This is a really tricky song to pin-point in terms of musical style, but it bears resemblance to Deaf Havana's album 'Meet Me Halfway, At Least'. Almost immediately you are hit with a pounding bass line and bursts of strafing guitar riffs. 

3 Words: This song is incredibly catchy. It's almost as if A Day To Remember met All Time Low. There's a 'poppy' tone, but there's an underlying heaviness which makes this song awesome. 

The Joker: A heavier tune, bursting with resentful attitude. 

The Colours Of Your Mind: If you like You Me At Six, this track will be to your liking. I'd say it's pretty evident that the album 'Take Off Your Colours' has been an influence here. 

Deceptions: A beautiful conclusion to a fantastic EP. There's something really powerful about this one and it's very 'Young Guns' making it particularly appealing, in my opinion. 

Overall, 'Deceptions' is an EP which I really recommend checking out, so be sure to do so!

Give these tracks a listen, 'like' Elements' Facebook page and follow them on Twitter for all the latest news.

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