Sunday, 20 July 2014

'Ultraviolence'- A review of Lana Del Rey's latest album

Evening, all. For various boring reasons I've not had a chance to post anything for a while. But anyway, what better way to get back into this than with a post about the lovely Lana Del Rey, specifically her latest album 'Ultraviolence'. 

That's right, it's finally here- Lana's latest project- ‘Ultraviolence’. We had already been teased as to what to expect with the release of the singles 'West Coast' and 'Brooklyn Baby', but as of the 16th of June we've been able to listen to the album in its entirety. Following the success of ' Born to Die', Lana certainly had big shoes to fill when it came to producing an album of equal success. However, I can honestly say that I think she has done just that (and filled rather classy shoes, nonetheless). 
Photo courtesy of
So, here's a quick look at my favourite songs on the album, just to give you a cheeky flavour of what to expect when you give it a listen. 

Cruel World: So bam, straight away Lana hits us with this cute little number. Very different from any of her other work.  

Ultraviolence: The song sharing the album's name, we have ‘Ultraviolence’. I don't know why and maybe it's just me, but there's something very 'Bond song' about it. 

Shades of Cool: Ooh such an eerie start to this song.  Slow, calming, heart-felt and then suddenly bam hello guitar solo! Such a lovely little number from Lana. 

Brooklyn Baby: Okay, so this is definitely my favourite song off Ultraviolence, combining memorability with meaning. It bears resemblance to Lana's older ballad work such as 'Video Games', but is also completely different. It's impossible to describe, and you need to listen to this yourself to understand. 

West Coast: This was the first song that I heard off the album when it was released as a single and I still love it now as much as I did then. Ah, it's just the perfect mix of perky verses and a slow, catchy chorus. Lana's hit gold with this one. 

 Pretty When You Cry: Bit of a sad un' really, despite being beautiful simultaneously. This is definitely the dark horse of the album. 

Overall, 'Ultraviolence' is an album comprising of the singer’s usual heart-felt ballads, but Lana takes this expectation to a whole new level. Once again, the singer demonstrates that she deserves her recognition as so much more than another 'pop star'. Whether or not you've heard Lana's music before, rest assured that 'Ultraviolence' will not be a disappointment.